|Copyright 2014 Lily McDonnell| |MyBeautifulMonsters|All Rights Reserved|

Covert Characters Life Drawing – Ameena



When our usual fabulous Cover Characters host Cindy couldn’t take the class last month she asked if I could take over the session with the help of my best friend and art buddy Nicole.

It was my first time teaching a life drawing class but I had a  great and unexpected response from the artist that attended. Hosting the session I wasn’t able to get as much sketching done as I would have liked but I was able to get some quick drawings at the start and through some of the longer poses.

Our beautiful model Ameena was lovely and very understanding of our lack of experience <3


Rocky Horror Life Drawing

Earlier this month Covert Characters  had a Rocky Horror themed life drawing night with our very own fabulous Frank N Furter striking beautiful poses.

The very talented Hamish immediately dazzled us with a song and stayed in character for the whole session!

Covert Characters Life Drawing

At the start of this year I discovered  Covert Characters Life Drawing here in Melb and they have be so much fun to attend!

Every class has a very different theme and model.  The session lit by blacklight with glowing body paint was unlike any life drawing I have done to before!

These are a few of my favourite sketches from the last few months – NEON LIFE (Models Sebastian and Brie, Body Artist/s – Dale Proposch (Flutterby Face Painting), Body Artist and Photographer Suedy) , Mr Marmalade and Tahlia Celenn.


Covert Characters Life Drawing – Lorelle Rogue

After our local Dr. Sketchy’s wrapped up last year I’ve been eager to get back to life drawing. This month I was lucky enough to find a lovely new life drawing group with interesting themed events called Covert Characters.

Our model was Lorelle Rogue, alternative model and aerialist, striking beautiful poses with her silks.


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