Inktober Day 11 – Sphinx

#inktober2016 Day 11 – Sphinx
Lady Lioness lounges in a lush land.
|Copyright 2014 Lily McDonnell| |MyBeautifulMonsters|All Rights Reserved|
#inktober2016 Day 11 – Sphinx
Lady Lioness lounges in a lush land.
#inktober2016 Day 10 – Pegasus
Great thundering flying horse of Olympus!
We enjoyed a elegant French deco inspired session to end Sept with the gorgeous Lorelle Rouge. She transported us to another era wearing little but gloves and pearls.
Covert Characters Life Drawing has some amazing sessions lined up to see out the year so be sure to look out for those. More details can be found on the website here>
#inktober2016 Day 9 – Goblin
A wicked wee thief who loves mischief and gold.
#inktober2016 Day 8 – Banshee
Fairywoman wails for the fallen warrior.
This drawing was a bit rushed – just scraping in on Day 8!
#Inktober2016 Day 7 – Gorgon
An Oracle, sister to the dragon and the snake.
#inktober2016 Day 5 – Minotaur
Legendary cowman abs and his celestial maze.
#inktober2016 Day 4 – Satyr
Drunken goatman musician of ancient Greece.
Brace yourselves for more mythical creature abs coming your way tomorrow.
#inktober2016 Day 3 – Unicorn
The earliest recorded description of a Unicorn describes it something like a cross between a wild ass and a rhino. Not a dainty beast but a fearsome and swift Prehistoric Unicorn with a single black horn.
#inktober2016 Day 2 – Phoenix
Fiery Sun Heron God.
I think my theme this year is pretty obvious already.